Let's get back to your future

Let’s Get Back to Your Future!


I’m just living, whatever comes, comes. I don’t have a plan. Nothing works the way I plan it anyway. Do you feel this way? Like nothing works out, so why put forth the effort? It’s easier just to go day by day without a plan, there’s no disappointment that way. If you’re unmotivated, I would challenge you to spend some time with me. Let’s talk about your likes, interests, and dislikes. Areas that you have won in and just don’t focus on. What would you like to do but it seems too far out of reach, so you don’t move towards it? Who do you know is doing what you want to do? Let’s make a plan to refocus your time and energy and get you back to your future!

How to get unstuck

I made a couple of wrong turns in life and now I can’t seem to move forward. I’m stuck! Stuck financially, emotionally, and mentally. I can’t see my way out. I’m not even sure I realized I was stuck before now. I thought, this was life and I was living it. But when I look up and think about what I want or where I planned to be, I am not making any moves in that direction. Life happened, I had an unplanned pregnancy and I’ve been working full-time to support myself and my child. I don’t have time to think or plan, I just run from one thing to the next to the next. I feel like I’m on a treadmill going nowhere. I’m not at my ideal job or doing work I enjoy. I’m tired and I can’t see my way out. I’ve been here so long, that I’m not sure there is a way out.

First, write down your top 3 areas of life you would like to change, and rank them if they are not already in order 1, 2, and 3. Next, call me so we can make a plan that works for you to get Back to Your Future!

What’s next?

What’s next you ask? Just out of high school, a messy break-up, new parent, now what? What do you want? What’s next is about you? You have the power to create what’s next. To dream, envision what the next goal is. You’ve made it this far, you’re more than capable. Do you want a certification, degree, job, or a mate? Let’s build the stair steps together to get you to the next level. The next platform on your way to your ultimate destination. Not sure what’s next? Let’s talk about where you are and develop a picture together of where you’re going.

Who’s in your circle?

Birds of a feather flock together. Iron sharpens iron. Have you heard these sayings? Are the people closest to you headed in the direction you want to go? Are you developing relationships with people who have achieved your next goal in life? Who do you seek out for advice? When you implement what they told you, did it move you closer to where you want to go or only make you feel good at the moment? You need more than ride-or-die relationships, you need relationships that tell you the truth in love. People who challenge you to live your dream, to search out your purpose. People who encourage you through their actions. How do you build these relationships? You may need to go places you don’t normally go and experience things you wouldn’t normally experience. To make a friend, you show yourself friendly. Watch people and actively pursue a friendship with people headed in the direction you want to go. Don’t accept any relationship that presents itself to you. You need to guard your heart. Letting everyone into your circle isn’t smart. Not everyone is for you. Some of those people not for you are not intentionally trying to harm you, but because they are not moving in the right direction, you may catch yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. What keeps us in these relationships that are not good for us? How do we get out? How do we build relationships with like-minded people, and/or people who have already been where we want to go? I would love to explore these questions and more with you. Reach out today.

Let’s talk about you.

How are you? Really how are you? Have you thought about it? So many times people respond good or well, but are we? I’m not saying tell anyone all about your innermost secrets and struggles, but I am saying we all need a safe place to be ourselves. To say what’s bothering us and feel like we’re still loved afterward. In one of my leadership positions, I had my teams use an adjective that started with the first letter of their first name in an effort for them to get to know each other. I was Safe Shekeree and it stuck. I’m the person you can let your hair down with, say what you need to, unpack it or not and move on like it didn’t happen unless you want to explore it more. I’ve always told my staff, you can come in here and say what you need to, let it go and then we can problem solve as needed. Or not, if you just needed to get it off your chest. I found that they often came in and discussed personal thoughts not so many work-related issues, but it was a safe place. I would like to be a safe place for you. I’ll let you talk about you, while I listen.

Think yourself happy

I remember standing in front of my team one morning, thankful that I knew how to think myself happy. I watched as several on my team were having a rough morning, which they didn’t know how to shake. It bled into their work relationships for the day and often caused problems. People say “it’s just one of those days” and they live in it the whole day instead of changing it. Feelings are real, don’t get me wrong and God gave them to us, so they are not from the devil, but they are not meant to lead us. As you know, our feelings can change very quickly. From happy to sad, to mad and hurt all based on the same experience. So how do we think ourselves happy? How do we on purpose move out of low places into high places? First, I am not a licensed clinician, so if you suffer from severe depression, please see a therapist. In addition, if desired, I can also coach you through thinking yourself happy. In His presence is fullness of joy! How do you get in His presence, we can talk about the many ways…

I had dreams, then life, now what

I always knew what I wanted to do with my life, who I wanted to marry, where I wanted to live, how many kids I wanted to have, and what color car I wanted to drive. Then, unexpectedly there was a family illness that derailed my nice laid-out vision. I put the vision on hold and never picked it up again. Those plans seem so far in the past, that I can’t imagine how to get back to them. If I could spark my desire to want those things again, I may be able to get back on track. Honestly, if I did envision that life again, who will take care of my loved one? It seems so overwhelming to figure it all out, I just sit back and do what’s needed to survive and help my loved one.

I’m bored!

How? Why? Have you accomplished everything you wanted to? Have you thought about what you want to accomplish? Are you interested in what you’re doing? How can you level up where you are? Bored! There’s so much to do, learn, teach, experience, and enjoy. How can you use your talents to bring yourself out of boredom? Do you know what to do, but you’re not motivated? Is it true boredom or fear? What’s holding you back from pressing forward? If you’re bored and don’t know what to do next, let’s explore some possibilities together. There’s ALWAYS SOMETHING to do!

Order my steps

There are so many choices in life, so many things pulling for our time. You may find yourself asking God, to order your steps. Where do you want me to go from here Lord? What’s my next assignment? How can I use the gifts and resources I’ve been blessed with to bless someone else ultimately sowing seeds of blessing that will come back pressed down, shaken together, and running over? Sincere prayers to ask for purpose, relationships, His will in your life, discernment and the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the faith to believe that He is answering those prayers, even when we can’t see it.

Which way do I go?

I have options and more than one option is viable and appealing to me. How do I decide which one to take? I’d like to share my experience with making life choices and the outcomes they have afforded me. I like to use PowerPoint presentations, making a pros and cons list. To hear the rest of the process, sign-up today for more information.

Whose voice is louder?

I remember the teacher who told me I read too slowly. I remember my mom telling me I could be anything I put my mind to. I remember telling myself, you’re going to college. There are so many voices we hear, some replay daily or just at pivotal moments, and some are way louder than others. Some are lies, some encouraging and some so hurtful they can ring tears to our eyes years later. The louder voice is the one we spend the most time giving place to. How many times do we allow the negative words of others or ourselves to play in our minds over and over again getting into our hearts and crippling our futures? If your negative self-talk is louder than what God says about you, you’ll listen to yourself and hinder your growth. If you choose to meditate on what could have been, should have been and why you didn’t get there, you’ll prevent yourself from moving forward. The negative thoughts in your head can be overcome by the words in your mouth. Let’s practice together.

I just graduated, now what?

I’m 18 and I have no clue what I want to do with my life. There’s a lot of pressure to work in the family business, but I’m not sure I want to do that. It’s overwhelming and I’m not even sure of all the choices. How do I go forward from here? If I get a minimum wage job, I can’t move out. If I go to college, I’ll be in debt. I wish I had someone to process the options with, who is on my side and not just trying to get me to do what my parents want me to do without considering my talents and desires for the future. Back to You, Future life coaching can help you determine your options and make a decision that works for you. As your coach, I’ll be your biggest fan!

What does help look like?

I have an issue and everyone’s solution to it is not exactly what I’m looking for. I’m not 100% sure what I’m looking for, but I know I don’t like the solutions others are presenting. So what does help look like? If I could put it in words and tell people what I need, they may be able to assist me. If I could put it in words, I may know how to help myself. I’d like to talk through this with someone and process viable solutions.

What’s true is…

This is one of my favorite topics! I love to “take the emotion out” and look at the facts. Once presented with the facts, options become clearer. Some of us are very emotional, we make decisions based on our feelings at the moment, then those feelings change and we are regretting the decision we made. Is it truly allow us to acknowledge that we have a story in our heads, and that story may not be what happened? We make choices based on the story in our head and when we circle back, we realize we only had part of the information correct, or none at all. Looking at the topic from the other person’s perspective also brings clarity. Lying out all the facts that we can gather, allows for the most reasonable decision-making process. Now, once we have that information, we can add the emotion back in as needed. I often like to compare the decision with and without emotion and let you decide.

What I need to be successful

I know there are formulas to life like there are in math that help me reach an answer. I need to figure out those formulas for my life and where I want to go. Hard work and determination will bring results. What else will bring a result? Pursuing your future mate and a respectable way and learning their love language will make for a better relationship. I have more of these and we can determine which ones work for you once we determine the goal in mind. I would love to help you plan your success map.

What you don’t know can hurt you

“Ignorance is bliss” I lived by this moto for a couple of years a decade or so ago. I thought it was so freeing. Until one day, a wise man told me “ignorance will kill you” It stopped me dead in my tracks! I never said it again. I thought about it, and it was true. What I didn’t know could kill me. Sometimes it’s not physical death, but a lack of knowledge can kill my dreams, my relationships, and my ability to pick myself up when I am down, ultimately killing my purpose as I lie in despair. So let’s choose an area you want to work on and get more knowledge and ask for wisdom in this area. I’m sure none of us want to sign-up for death in any area of our life.

You can do it, I can help

I can see a way out of just about any situation. Not like MacGyver, although I wish I had those skills, more like the tenacity to not feel stuck. No matter where you want to go, I believe we can devise a plan to get you there. Are you sitting on your couch every day doing nothing and wish you had a new car, if you’re ready to implement the plan, we can get you to your new car. I will not only help you come up with the plan, but I will help you walk through the process, cheering you on and teaching you about yourself as we go. I will encourage you, hold you accountable and inspire you to achieve your goals!